Saturday, January 10, 2015



in this article I will share an article to you all of the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy foods Because now many foods that we do not know the origin are sold to consumers.

therefore I make a post of the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy foods to you.
please read and observe :)

well let's start

A. Characteristic Of Healty Food

1) Not many contain animal fats
2) Low salt and MSG, the use of flavorings which many in the market is making the food was tasty and delicious, but it does not mean healthier mjd
3) Lots containing vegetables or fiber
4) No / little use of preservatives. Each packaged foodstuffs which generally use preservatives, such as seasoning broth, canned food, etc.
5) Using a little cooking oil
6) Not bersantan
7) Not too spicy
8) cooked, so not too long half-baked or cooked
9) contains nutrients

B. Characteristic Of Unhealthy Food

1.  Contains formaldehyde
Formalin is a solution of formaldehyde in water and are prohibited from use in food as a preservative. Formalin is used in the plastics industry, anti-foam, construction materials, paper, carpet, textile, paint, furniture, and preservatives. Formalin can cause cancer. About 2 tablespoons of formaldehyde can cause death.

The characteristics of food containing formalin:

a). . noodles
- Not broken until 2 days at room temperature (25oC) and survived more than 15 days at refrigerator temperature (10 ° C)
- The smell is rather pungent, distinctive odor of formaldehyde
- Non-sticky and shiny noodles more than the normal noodles

b) Fresh Fish
- Not broken up to 3 days at room temperature
- The color of dark and bright red gills, pale
- If the fish is split, the inside was a bit shattered
- The strong smell, the smell of formalin

2. Biological Contamination / Microbial

sample contamination source :

- Water polluted
- Dust
- Insects (flies, cockroaches)
- Rodents (mice)
- Pet
- Equipment dirty
- Hands Dirty
- Hawker food
- Food raw
- Trash
- Etc.

3. chemical contamination

Food may contain chemicals such as:
- Pesticides
- Cleaning products
- Cat
- Lubricating Oil
- Heavy metal
- Natural Toxins
- BTP exceeds the maximum allowed
- Dangerous substances prohibited for food (formalin, borax, textile dyes)
- Contamination of food packaging materials (migration)
- Etc.

4. Use of Food Additives (BTP) excess
Street food schoolchildren using sugar source (artificial sweetener) or benzoic acid (preservative) is excessive.

5. Hazardous Materials Abuse
Hazardous materials are often used in food:
- Formalin
- Borax
- Textile Dyes (Example: Rhodamine B, Metanil Yellow)

6. Security Studies Sweetener
Some artificial sweeteners:
- Sorbitol: Excessive consumption can lead to laxative effects
- Mannitol: consumption of 20 g / day will cause a laxative effect.
- Lactitol: consumption of 20 g / day may result in a laxative effect.
- Aspartame: a special warning for people with phenylketonuria. FDA assesses the use of aspartame is safe for pregnant women. Daily consumption is allowed as much as 50 mg / kg body weight.
- Saccharin: sweetener safe for human consumption.

7. Borax / Borax / Pijer / Water Ki / Drug Lontong
- Abused for noodles, bananas Molen, lemper, free-range chicken, dumplings, rice cakes, rice cake, dumplings, etc. so that a more compact texture (chewy) and improve the appearance of
- Uses actually: antiseptic and disinfectant
- When taken continuously over the long term, can lead to cancer

thank you for reading my article
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